Pit Optimization Settings: Time

An explanation of fields and properties

Pit Optimization Settings: Time

To access this dialog:

  • Using the Optimization control bar, select Ultimate Pit | Settings and select the Time tab.

In this dialog you define parameters needed for NPV evaluations.  For detailed explanation of the overall process, see Pit Optimization.  

Field Details:

Annual discounting: enter a percentage discount rate between 0 and 100.

Average ore output rate: enter the ore (raw material) tonnage the mine will produce per selected time period, usually a year (365 days). The Ultimate Pit Optimal Extraction Sequence (UP OES) is used to calculate the first n tonnes of ore (where n is specified using the tonnes field) and the net profit generated from this activity is discounted by the figure shown in the Annual Discounting field, above. The next n tonnes are further discounted as if they are mined in year 2, and so on. This can be expressed by the following formula for a 10% Annual discounting value:

Kth year NPV = Net value / (1+0.10)k

The rate is defined in terms of recovered and/or diluted ore option becomes available only when Mining dilution or Mining recovery are changed from their default values in the Economic Settings dialog.


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